Immune System & Metabolic disorder 1 month pack-NON DIABETIC patients and the amount is Rs: 15855.00/-.
Immune System & Metabolic disorder 1 month pack- DIABETIC patients and the amount is Rs: 15070.00/-.
Dasamoolarishta an Ayurvedic effective medicine useful in sterility,cures, fever, dropsy, cough, anemia, jaundice and prameha release urine freely.
Kaisoraguggul is a trusted remedy for vataraktha and a good blood purifier.It is useful in preparation of early leprosy, Patches(white and black)will be cured.
Ratnapurusha Lehya is an ayurvedic medicine useful in seminal weakness,seminal decay,A good nervine Tonic gives muscular strength and nervous potency.
Ayurvedic medicine for discharge of semen, Enlargement of spleen,liver and several other complaints present in T.B. and gives new life,vigor and vitality.
A great Ayurvedic Nervine medicine Yogendrarasa strengthens nerves,heart and brain,enriches blood and semen,improves steadiness of mind Enriches blood,Semen