• 7 Product(s) Found
Immune System & Metabolic Disorder 1 month pack - Non Diabetics
₹ 15855.00

Immune System & Metabolic disorder 1 month pack-NON DIABETIC patients and the amount is Rs: 15855.00/-.

Immune System & Metabolic Disorder 1 month pack- Diabetics
₹ 15070.00

Immune System & Metabolic disorder 1 month pack- DIABETIC patients and the amount is Rs: 15070.00/-.

₹ 265.00

Dasamoolarishta an Ayurvedic effective medicine useful in sterility,cures, fever, dropsy, cough, anemia, jaundice and prameha release urine freely.

₹ 355.00

Kaisoraguggul is a trusted remedy for vataraktha and a good blood purifier.It is useful in preparation of early leprosy, Patches(white and black)will be cured.

VAN Ratnapurusha Lehya
₹ 450.00

Ratnapurusha Lehya is an ayurvedic medicine useful in seminal weakness,seminal decay,A good nervine Tonic gives muscular strength and nervous potency.

Swarnabhrakasindura (1g)
₹ 1440.00

Ayurvedic medicine for discharge of semen, Enlargement of spleen,liver and several other complaints present in T.B. and gives new life,vigor and vitality.

Yogendrarasa (2g)
₹ 1040.00

A great Ayurvedic Nervine medicine Yogendrarasa strengthens nerves,heart and brain,enriches blood and semen,improves steadiness of mind Enriches blood,Semen